Umesh Moolrajani

Heal Your Mind, Body & Soul

Opt for a healing session with Umesh. Overcome physical ailments with the power of Reiki Healing and Chakra Healing Therapy.

Zero-touch Energy Treatments/Distance Healing

Zero-touch Energy Treatments. Our bodies, minds and soul, our entire selves are surrounded by a field of energy called the ‘Aura’ or ‘The human energy field’. This aura is described in everyday language in various forms such as ‘Energy’, or ‘Vibes’ in more casual usage. The aura is primarily responsible for how we feel about ourselves. The Aura may also influence how we are perceived by others. We specialise in “Distance Energy Healing” for physical ailments working primarily with the philosophy of chakra healing and regulation of energy flow.

Hello, Meet Umesh Moolrajani

I am an Energy Healing Practitioner who aims to empower himself and others with tools of living a more blissful, healthy and meaningful life. He has been on this truly remarkable journey for the better part of ten years. 

Over the years he has had the opportunity to take various courses and teachings in the field of energy healing and also has met some remarkable teachers with extraordinary insights. 

I will share learning and self-empowerment tools that he uses in his life to achieve a higher state of self impowered lifestyle with regular meditation, consistent practice and the use of tools and teaching of Reiki and Pranic Healing we help the physical body to recover. I haveF a team of healers to help more and more people.


Grand Master Mikao Usui Reiki Healing 1st degree in the year 1998 now a 3rd-degree practitioner

In 2012 learnt Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s Pranic Healing and pursued it 

Used these teachings in his own life and experienced greatness 

“My philosophy is very simple – To heal with the power of Intention and Imagination – If it is possible in your mind, it's possible.”


Happy Clients


Year Experienced


Possitive Results

I believe that whatever troubles you are facing can be resolved with a positive approach and open-minded attitude. 



I was suffering from multiple second degree superficial burns on my abdomen and legs. When this accident happened, I remembered reading countless testimonials about how healing works like magic on burn injuries and got umesh to start my healings through his strong network. The pain and the feeling is so intense that you feel like you could collapse any moment, but that entire evening, I was instead feeling blessed. I could feel the pain being swept away and the painful thoughts getting cleared out. Healers worked tirelessly on helping me recover that evening and continued for days, its made my recovery much easier. Thank you all!

Mahesh Sharma

I have ankalaysing spondolyties since last 15 years, I have severe back pain and my nack movement also get restricted.I just started to get pranic healing therapy from mona ji, I feel 30% relief in pain only after 3 healing, now she complete 20 session of healing, I feel too much better, my neck pain release up to 95% and my back pain relief up-to 70 %,this therapy also change my mental strength, I feel happy to receive pranic healing.

Rajesh Goyal

I got hurt on my little finger and doctors suggested surgery with wire installation I received healings for bone regeneration and what can I say.... No surgery and I am just fine, my hand is fine it moves and functions fine. Thank you pranic healing


What I Expect From You




And most importantly – a willingness to heal

Our Healing Session Packages

Single Healing 


5 Healings 


10 Healings 


Book a Consultation Call with Umesh

Frequently Asked Questions

How it Works?

Spiritual belief systems and practitioners of alternate medicine firmly believe in the concept of the human energy field or aura. We all — at least when we are alive — have an energy field that encapsulates us. Our physical bodies have organs that help with the day to day functions of the body that are necessary for survival, likewise, our aura or human energy field have chakras that regulate the flow of energy to maintain a healthy aura.

In the event of illness or mental and emotional duress, the chakras associated with those parts of the body or the organs in question are disrupted, in turn disrupting the flow of energy. Various schools of thought follow different rules for chakras which can range from 3 chakras to many - all of them are correct.

With any physical ailments, the physical organs related to those parts of the body get diseased or should we say affected. For example, in the event of a bout of cold and cough; the lungs, throat, nose, ears and head are affected. The chakras associated with these parts of the body are also subsequently affected blocking and disrupting the flow of energy.

Our healing techniques are centred around working on these chakras and related organs; we clean the dirty diseased energy and energise the chakras with healing fresh energies. Doing this multiple times accelerates the physical body healing and enables the patient to recover faster.

What Happens in Your Journey With Me?

I am on a path to spiritual discovery and growth, especially with regards to energy healing practices; as my knowledge and learning grow and I have greater access to more healing tools, the more I will be able to impart and contribute to your personal journey and spiritual growth.

– Umesh Moolrajani

We Do Not Oppose Modern Medicines.

We believe in alternate healing techniques and that they may work by themselves; when used in conjunction with modern medicine these techniques work as a catalyst in the healing process. Opting for alternate healing practices does not mean that you stop your medication. These techniques will supplement your ongoing medical treatment by releasing stress, alleviating trauma and calming the fear that a patient may experience while in duress.  

Medicine + alternate healings = faster way to heal

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